Wednesday, October 13, 2010

I Found Our Cake Topper

OK, quick back story. We are having a mother-mandated cake. We are actually having a dessert bar in lieu of cake because I am not a huge cake person, but I love me some pie, cheesecake, rice krispie treats, brownies, cookies... Oh yes, ESPECIALLY cookies!!!

My mom was OK with the dessert bar thing, but she insisted there be a cake. By insisted, I mean had a mini-freak-out. (Love you mom!) So as a compromise, we are having the dessert bar with a small, simple cake like this:

Without the roses on top and maybe purple ribbon.

Once it was decided we were having a cake, had to find the topper.

More back story. Bryan, my wonderful fiance, is a gamer. I am not talking a PlayStation 3 gamer (although, we do have one of those), I am talking World of Warcraft via the computer gamer. Oh yes, I see those looks of pity on your face - I get it all the time.

(In his defense, he is pretty good about it, but it's his thing! The way I look at it, he could be at the bar or out with his buddies shooting at things (we live in Iowa, it's what boys do), but instead, he is at home, in the recliner next to me, playing his game. Could be worse.)

Plus, it gives me an excuse to buy this:

Oh yes, its going on top of our cake. You can customize the hair color, the type of pop (or beer) cans laying around AND the game on the screen. It is perfect. I found this from Etsy seller AwesomeToppers for $70... More than I had wanted to spend, but Bryan was genuinely excited about it, which is rare when it comes to wedding decor related topics, so it's a go. 

What are you guys doing for your cake and/or toppers?