Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Wedding Workout Wednesday

The other day I was on the dreaded treadmill and it occurred to me that workouts are probably a hot-topic for other brides. As you know, I have already purchased my dress, over a year in advance, which means I need to stay the same size for at least 360 more days.  My friends and family reading this already think I am crazy for worrying about this, I have maintained the same weight for the past 3 years and a few would probably tell you that I should gain some weight. (Woe is me, I know.) I am a pretty superstitious person though and I have this deep fear that I will gain 20 pounds now that there is a reason for me to really keep the weight off.

Let me back up, I am currently 5'9" and weight about 128 pounds. I know, most girls would kill for this, but I have not always been like this. When I graduated college, I tipped the scales at 164 pounds - on a good day. It was a combination of little exercise, a bartender's schedule, a diet of whatever I could find, when I could find it and a lot beer that got me to that weight. Once I graduated college, I worked HARD for a year and a half to get all that weight off, plus some. I'm talking 5+ days in the gym for 90 minutes at a time and Weight Watchers to get my cravings under control.

Me at my heaviest

Me now:

Was it easy losing almost 40 pounds? Absolutely not. Am I one of those girls who *claim* to "love" going to the gym and all that jazz? Yeah right. I'll be honest, working out is not my favorite things. There are even days that I HATE the gym. I've tried every workout imaginable, still haven't found that that I just can't wait to do everyday. Most days I get home from work and I literally have to force myself to put my running shoes on. 

My favorite part of working out? Being done. 

This brings my to my new blogging category: Wedding Workout Wednesdays! Each week I will share with you what I have (or haven't done) in the form of physical activity. Maybe even share some good-for-you recipes that I may stumble upon... You'll probably hear more about how I have to have a cookie after lunch AND dinner. (This is why I have to keep myself in the gym.)

Since this post is long enough already, I'll create a new one for this week's Wedding Workouts.


  1. I'm 5'9 and 130! It's hard to make people believe that it isn't the magic life that they for some reason think it is.
